Week 2: Lurong Living Fitness Update

Week 2 recap: Really week 1.5...

I am closing in on the end of week 2 of this 5 week fitness, lifestyle, and healthy eating journey. If you are jumping in at this point you can find my starting/week 1 recap here. This week had its ups and downs for sure but it was not too bad. I was able to workout daily, even doing the prescribed workout twice. The challenge lets you modify your workout based on a level system. This week I did the level 2 version of the workout which was:

AMRAP for 9 minutes

  • 13 Toes to bar (wall facing sit ups at level 2)
  • 13 American Kettle Bell Swings
  • 13 Box Jumps at 24in (you can step over at lvl 2)

On my first attempt I did 133 total movements, and I was doing straight box jumps. On the second day of the workout I decided to to try doing step-overs to improve my score, as it was allowed (this is a contest). By modifying the movement I was able to improve by about 25% to a total of 163 movements in 9 minutes. I’m not a small guy and the effort it was taking to jump over the 24 inch box caught up with to me over time. I just didn’t feel right, even though it was allowed, submitting the easier workout score without at least doing the harder version. In case you’re curious I have the videos of each below. 

Difficulties and challenges over the week

Last weekend I had my brothers wedding. This was something that I knew was coming before I signed up. I also knew that I was going to eat and drink what I pleased during the weekend festivities. This has lead to me just prolonging the crash into the cravings wall. I had a habit of getting takeout nearly every weekend (Pad Thai was my go to) as well as having a few beer or drinks with it leading up to this challenge. This will be the first weekend in a while that I will be passing on that tradition and my mind doesn’t like it. I’m currently dealing with the mental aspects of those cravings, and there is only so much water you can drink to get past them. They will pass in time, I do know that. 

Another challenge I found this week was lunch. I forgot to pack a lunch a couple of days, and found myself wandering the supermarket looking for approved things to eat. This is a very difficult task when you are trying to cut out dairy, bread, added sugar, and basically anything that’s not a straight meat/fruit/veggie. I had to settle on packaged hard boiled eggs, mustard, and single servings packets of guac. This upcoming week I plan on fixing that with pre-made meals before the week starts.

Progress so far

As of this morning I am down 12.3 lbs sitting at 260.2 lbs. I bet a good % of that is water and bloating from a bachelor party the weekend before the weigh-in. I have seen an improvement in my sleeping and how my joints and body are feeling. There also is increased definition in my arms and a slimming of my face (or so I’m told).

As promised, both workout videos are below

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